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Tokenised Gold - Is the Quiet Resurrection of the Gold Standard Upon Us?

For something to qualify as “money”, as per the technical definition, it must have the following six properties:

  1. Durable – the money should not disintegrate, while we hold it long term.
  2. Portable – we should be able to move it across the world.
  3. Divisible – we should be able to pay for smaller units of value with it.
  4. Limited in supply - unlimited supply cannot sustain value.
  5. Uniform – any two units should have the same composition.
  6. Require energy to produce – the value of the energy taken to produce it, gives it intrinsic value.

Today’s fiat currency does not meet the prerequisites of being limited in supply, or requiring energy to produce, and hence cannot technically qualify as money.

As Gold has all six properties - it has appropriately acted as real money, for thousands of years. 

However, with gold’s limitations in the areas of portability and divisibility - the traditional role of currency, backed by gold - was to help in these areas. Currency - being inextricably linked to gold - would impart divisibility and portability to the physical gold holdings, while gold would impart the properties of money - onto the individual currency units.

However, after the gold standard ended - gold and dollars became disjointed. This meant dollars were no longer money - and physical gold’s divisibility and portability was seriously hampered. 

In a hyper-digital and globalised age, this limited gold’s day-to-day usability as money - and has led to 92 years of the world reeling from the ramifications, of moving away from God’s money - namely inflation, wealth inequality and corruption.

We do not know if governments will ever return to using real money. However, if we could provide the divisibility and portability to gold - that currency units once did - without the need for government involvement - we could return to a gold standard of perfect money.

Using today’s digital Blockchain technology - we can link the immutable value layer on the internet - with physical gold. 

Tokenised, digital, immutable, divisible units on a blockchain - each backed 1:1 by physical gold - can play the role that dollars once did - empowering real money to reach the masses, on a global scale.

In a world where we can link secure digital units - with physical gold’s intrinsic monetary properties - do we need to wait for governments to uncharacteristically do the right thing?

This intersection of gold and technology presents us with a sovereign opportunity - to return to a gold standard - on a grassroots level, without the need for government involvement. 

While many argue about the merits of gold vs blockchain technology - perhaps the true solution is a collaboration between the two - to bring power, wealth and sovereignty - back to the masses.


Experience the Future of Precious Metals Investment with Gold Standard (AUS) & Silver Standard (AGS): 

  • Security and Trust: AUS and AGS are vaulted, insured, and allocated in Australia, with quarterly verifications for assured safety. They offer full redeemability.
  • Reliability: Built by a seasoned 50-year-old bullion dealer, AUS and AGS provide reliable gold and silver token investments in Australia.
  • B2B Integration: Designed for business applications, these digital bullion tokens facilitate seamless integration into a variety of business projects and partnerships.
  • Innovative Investment: By blending the stability of traditional bullion with blockchain technology, AUS and AGS represent a forward-thinking choice for investors.

Available on platforms like Ainslie Crypto, CoinSpot, and MRHB DeFi, AUS and AGS offer a solid foundation for your digital currency investments.


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